Thursday, March 22, 2012

Puerto Princesa

Again, making this blog post is overrrrr dueeee. haha! but still i have to because i want to have a trail of places i've went through. like a journal/diary that you can turn the page on whatever subject you want to read, depending on your mood, and read it over and over. 

Ok to begin with.. I absolutely loved Palawan, the first time I visited so was when I went to Coron with my chosen friends and we called it "the water world". One thing i liked about it was the solemnity of the place, clean and clear water, indeed a very relaxing one. 

So when a friend of mine gave me an idea of going again to Palawan but this time in Puerto Princesa, I never had a second thought. I know that this place will amaze me ('s wonders of the world).
On our first day, we headed up to Subterranean Cave - the famous underground river. 

These pictures are worth a thousand words :)

The city tour. the big zoo - wildlife, full of crocodile and strange animals

And the unforgettable tamilok eating contest w/ miles. Tamilok is called woodworm, it is not actually a worm, but a mollusk insinde the wood - that's according to pareng google. Since it's favorite delicacy in Palawan, we gave it a try :)

Yes! i ate it. take note - fresh tamilok with calamsi only. whew! i just promise to myself that i'll never gonna do it again. hahaha. but i had so much fun though :)

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